Create/Edit banner

Step 1 - create banner

  1. On every site you can have several banners
  2. In admin under CMS click on the “Banner” menu item and list of banners appear
  3. If you want to create new banner click on the button “New banner”
  4. If you want to edit existing banner, click on the button “Edit banner” at the last column of the table

Step 2 - save banner

  1. In the edit form of banner, you need to enter name, select site, status and type. There are several types of banner that arre explained here
  2. press button Save to confirm your changes

Step 3 - prepare slides

  1. For each slide prepare one image (prefered in jpg format). All images MUST BE in same aspect ratio (height:width). Best results are achieved id all images are same size in pixels.

Step 4 - upload slides

  1. If it is a new banner, you need to save it first, before you can add the slides
  2. Press button Add slides
  3. Upload prepared images to Storage and define parameters
  4. You can also edit slide parameters later (name, link, sort order,…)

Step 5 - include banner to content

  1. You can include banner to content. See manuals here under “Adding modules to the content”

Step 6 - include banner to page

  1. You can include banner to page. See manuals here
create_edit_banner.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 13:37 by admin
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